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Landkey Community Primary Academy recognises our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. We will provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice. Child protection forms part of the school's safeguarding responsibilities. Landkey Community Primary Academy is part of the Tarka Learning Partnership which sets policy relating to safeguarding.

Our Safeguarding Team

Georgie Gratton
Head Teacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Charlotte Hewitt
Deputy Head Teacher
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Designated Teacher for Looked After & Previously Looked After Children

Georgie Gratton
Head Teacher


Key Agencies

MASH - Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub

MASH is the central resource for the whole of Devon recieving all safeguarding and child protection enquiries and concerns. If you have any concerns about the welfare and safety of a child please contact them on 0345 1551071.

Operation Encompass

The school is part of Operation Encompass which runs jointly between schools and Devon and Cornwall Police. This allows for early reporting and communication to schools regarding children that are exposed to domestic abuse.


Prevent is part of the UK government's counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. Its aim is to stop people becoming radicalised and supporting terrorism activities.


Childline is a free, private and confidential service for children to talk about things that are worrying them. Contact number is 0800 1111.


Thank you to the NSPCC for working with our children on a 'Speak Out. Stay Safe.' visit.  Encouraging your children to speak up and share their feelings help keep them safe.  The NSPCC website has useful information for helping parents keep children safe.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) is a police organisation that helps children stay safe online.

You can make a report to CEOP about a child in danger of abuse. This could be you or someone you know or care for. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be inappropriate chat, being asked to do something that make you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up.

You can report it by clicking on the CEOP button below.

Devon Children and Families Partnership
Children in Devon are best safeguarded when key agencies work together effectively.
The Devon Children and Families Partnership is designed to help make this happen.

Landkey Community Primary Academy
Bakery Way, Landkey, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 0LJ
t: 01271 830421



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