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Nursery Provision at Landkey Academy

In the autumn term 2023 we applied to extend our school's age range from aged 4-11 to 2-11 years. The application was approved and we are pleased to be opening our Nursery provision in the Summer Term 2024. Initially, we will admit three and four-year-olds to the Reception Class, establishing a Foundation Stage Unit.

The school will operate a cohesive Foundation Stage Unit, where Nursery and Reception children will learn together. This arrangement will continue until the transition to Year One, which is the commencement of Key Stage One. When the demand for nursery provision grows to such a level, a dedicated Nursery class will be established, separate to the Reception class. 

If you are interested in your child attending our Nursery Provision. Please read our Nursery Admissions Policy & complete the Note of Interest Form.

Amazon Wishlist - Books-1.png

Nursery Admissions
Policy 2024-2025

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Note of
Interest Form


Landkey Community Primary Academy
Bakery Way, Landkey, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 0LJ
t: 01271 830421



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